About me
In my life, yoga always feels like coming home. I hope that when we spend time together in practice, you feel safely held enough to inhabit your body, befriend your breath, and trust that there is space for each and every part of your experience. My intention is to carve out space when leading you through your practice to facilitate a deep sense of listening - to the body’s honest language, to the intelligence of the breath, to the subtle response of the nervous system with each movement and breath taken. I believe that it is through this practice of remembering the body-language that we heal, entertain softer thoughts, make kinder choices, and find lightness - both intentionally on the mat and spontaneously in daily life. The approaches to both my personal practice and class offerings are influenced by my brilliant teachers. I am endlessly grateful to have crossed paths with Ryan Leier; he always realigns me with the vital roots of yoga should I ever wander. My teacher Meghan Currie taught me how to access my intuition- invaluable in the sacred position of holding space. Learning from Eddie Modestini and Kristin Bosteels of Yoga on The Inside humbles me to my bones and calls me to ask how I can best serve.