Saturday May 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm MDT
This two hour workshop begins with an introduction on raising your frequency with Cindy Drummond, owner of Luminescence Healing Inc in Calgary, Alberta.

Follow this, Ishta Devi will offer a guided somatic experience to connect with your “Higher Self”. This is the version of you who is fully aligned with your Truth, Power, Integrity and Authenticity. Only you really know your Higher Self - so this is all you. Next, we collaborate as a group to create a collective script for a guided group hypnosis to connect to and embody our Higher Selves. 
Then, we use our collaborative script in a group hypnosis session. Hypnosis is basically deep relaxation when you move into theta brainwave states (the sate between wake and sleep). When you are in theta, you are receptive or “suggestible” to receive new information. 
After our group hypnosis session, we integrate with a sharing circle and closing guided breath and meditation to seal the powerful work we did together.

This session will be accompanied by Michelle Haines using true crystal sound bowls, courtesy of Luminescence Healing.
avatar for Ishta Devi

Ishta Devi

Artist/ Teacher, Ishta Devi Art
Ishta Devi is a Canadian Indigenous woman, mother, coach, counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist and yoga teacher. Ishta has over 1000 hours YTT, coaching and counselling certifications from Rhodes College of Wellness and her clinical hypnotherapy certification from Coastal Academy... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Haines

Michelle Haines

Crystal sound Wellness
Michelle Haines of Crystal Sound Wellness is a certified sound practitioner with a deep passion for guiding others on their healing journey through sound, meditation, and energy work. Drawn to the transformative power of vibration and frequency, she believes the Alchemy bowls found... Read More →
avatar for Cindy Drummond

Cindy Drummond

Owner, Luminescence Healing Inc
Cindy Drummond is the owner of Luminescence Healing Inc, the trifecta of healing, where collaboration, community, and frequency healing come together to elevate your mind, body, and spirit. Offering Calgary's only Energy Enhancement System, Luminescence empowers individuals and groups... Read More →
Saturday May 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm MDT
Norquay Lodge: Norquay Room 2 mount Norquay Road

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